Monday, July 12, 2004

"This thing of ours"

"Bobby: You know, Quasimodo predicted all this.
Tony: Who did what?
Bobby: All these problems. The middle east, the end of the world.
Tony: Nostradamus. Quasimodo's the hunchback of Notre Dame.
Bobby: Oh, right, notredamus.
Tony: Nostradamus, and Notre Dame. It's two different things completely.
Bobby: It's interesting though they'd be so similar, isn't it?
Tony: One's a fuckin' cathedral!
Bobby: Obviously, I know, I'm just sayin'. It's interesting the coincidence. What, you gonna tell me you never pondered that? The back thing with notre dame?
Tony: No!"
[The Sopranos, episode 40 (Season 4): "For All Debts Public and Private", 2: 22h30]
ou como a excepção confirma a regra, e se há momentos em que não há seguramente nada mais interessante para fazer do que ficar a ver televisão, este é um deles...

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